international erosion research / people
Permanent researchers

Didier Marot
is a Professor in the Civil Eng. Dept of IUT of Saint-Nazaire and at the Institute GeM. Since 2002, he has developed a new research field at UN, dedicated to the study of internal erosion processes. Prof. Marot is the head of the research team “Interactions between Water and Geomaterials” of the Institute GeM. He is also the head of the research group focusing on experimental characterizations and numerical simulations of internal erosion processes and their consequences on the soils mechanical behavior.
Areas of expertise
Development of prototypes (5 dedicated to the characterization of internal erosion processes) : experimental soil characterization // suffusion test // jet erosion test // hole erosion test // triaxial test
Rachel Gelet
is an associate professor in the Civil Engineering Dept. of IUT of Saint-Nazaire and at the Institute GeM. She joined the erosion research group at UN to apply her expertise in constitutive and finite element modeling with the objective to model the suffusion process at the macroscale, such as the scale of a sample and in the future of a structure. She has developed her expertise by modeling the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of double porous media in the context of enhanced geothermal systems. She is now focusing on the estimation of the suffusion sensitivity at the structure scale, on the modeling of suffusion by use of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, on the modeling of the mechanical consequences of suffusion and on the description of the suffusion kinetics based on the energy method.
Areas of expertise
Finite element modeling // thermo-hydro-mechanical model // thermodynamics of irreversible processes // consequences of suffusion on mechanical properties of granular soils
Fateh Bendahmane
is an associate professor in the Civil Engineering Department of Polytech’Nantes and at the
GeM Institute. He joined the erosion research group at UN in 2009 where he brings his expertise in soil mechanical tests and in the development of new apparatuses. He contributed to the development of three triaxial erodimeters to perform suffusion tests under vertical downward flow with increasing and decreasing multistage hydraulic gradients.
Areas of expertise
Experimental soil characterization // development of prototypes // metrology // consequences of suffusion on mechanical properties of granular soils
Ngoc Son Nguyen
has been an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at UN and at GeM Institute since September 2014. He completed his PhD dissertation at Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2009. His main research area is mechanics of granular materials by means of Discrete Element Method (DEM) and experimental triaxial devices. He is particularly interested by the mechanisms of suffusion at the particle scale and the capability of granular micro-structures to stop suffusion. He has a great passion in algorithm and in computer programming with Python and C++.
Areas of expertise
discrete element modeling //micromechanics of granular materials // pore network characterization // consequences of suffusion on mechanical properties of granular soils // scalping techniques of coarse granular soils
Project engineer

Laurence Guihéneuf
is a Doctor in Process Engineering. She joined Capacités and the research team “Interactions between Water and Geomaterials” of the GeM Institute in 2010 after a dedicated training in Civil Engineering. She is responsible for meeting business needs and expectations in terms of innovation, product and process development, in partnership with the researchers of the team. She also actively contributes to the design of new equipment and to the development of new testing procedures.
Areas of expertise
R&D engineer. Doctor of Environmental Process Engineering; Specialties: construction materials and more particularly geomaterials: formulation, characterization and testing, project management
is the private subsidiary of Nantes University (UN) dedicated to the development of research and innovation. It is the permanent interface between innovation needs of socioeconomic players and laboratory resources.
Areas of expertise
SAS CAPACITÉS, a research development subsidiary of the University of Nantes, was created in 2005 to serve researchers and companies. By playing the role of innovation accelerator thanks to committed and passionate staff

Jean-Robert Courivaud
graduated in Hydraulics and Geotechnics from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, France and has a 26 year experience in River hydraulics and embankment dams at Electricité de France (EDF). He is currently embankment Dam Expert at the EDF Hydro Engineering Centre where he supervises safety assessment studies and design studies of dam rehabilitation and new projects. He is also leading the EDF R&D effort in the fields of erosion of embankment dams and seismic analysis of embankment dams. Moreover, he is the co-author of an international database dedicated to earth structure instabilities.
Areas of expertise
Jean-Robert Courivaud is graduated in Hydraulics and Geotechnics from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble and has a 26 years experience in River hydraulics and embankment dams at Electricité de France (EDF). He is currently embankment Dam Expert at the EDF Hydro Engineering Centre where he supervises safety assessment studies and design studies of dam rehabilitation and new projects. He is also leading the EDF R&D effort in the fields of erosion of embankment dams and seismic analysis of embankment dams. Moreover, he is the co-author of an international database dedicated to earth structure instabilities.
Gregory Coubard
Areas of expertise
Grégory Coubard is a civil engineer specialized in the field of dam structures. Graduated in civil engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, he has more than 10 years of experience in the stability and behavior analysis of concrete gravity and arch dams. He recently joined the geotechnics department and is now involved in safety reassessment of embankment dams and dikes including the erosion process issue.
Florian Landstorfer
Areas of expertise
Florian Landstorfer is graduated in Hydraulic Engineering and Site Management from Technical University of Munich, Germany. He works for VERBUND Hydro Power, Austria and has more than 15 years experience in Project Management, Dam Surveillance and Dam Safety. In his current position as Dam Safety Engineer his is responsible for 6 dams (4 embankment dams with a max. height of 85 m and 2 concrete dams with a max. height of 120 m).
PhD Thesis Students
Bikram Oli “Internal erosion in soil hydraulic structures and behavior of eroded soils under complex hydro-mechanical stresses”, Nantes Université, defense planed on September 2023
Post doctorat student
Master student
Chuheng Zhong “Study of soil behavior subjected to an internal erosion process”. PhD. Thesis, 25th October 2019
Habib Taha “Mechanical behavior of eroded soils: numerical study based on the DEM”. PhD. Thesis 13th September 2019
Van Duong Le “Modélisation physique de l’érosion interne”. PhD. Thesis 1st July 2011
Nadine Ali Hassan “Etude numérique et expérimentale de l’effet de l’écrêtage sur le comportement mécanique des sols grossiers”. PhD. Thesis, 7th December 2021
Alaa Kodieh “Poro-elastic numerical modeling of internal erosion: development of an energy-based approach”. PhD. Thesis, 25th June 2020
Van Thao Le “Development of a new device and statistical analysis for characterizing soil sensibility face suffusion process”. PhD. Thesis 11th September 2017
Abdul Rochim “Characterization of suffusion susceptibility of granular soils”. PhD. Thesis 3rd December 2015
Fateh Bendahmane “Influence des interactions mécaniques eau-sol sur l’érosion interne”. PhD. Thesis 30th November 2005
Quentin Rousseau “Caractérisation thermodynamique du comportement poro-mécanique couplé des sols et des roches sujets à érosion interne”. PhD. Thesis, 12th January 2021
Hong Hai Nguyen “Caractérisation de mécanismes d’érosion interne : confrontation d’érodimètres et d’approches”. PhD. Thesis 7th July 2012
Yacine Sail “Caractérisation expérimentale de l’érosion de volume de matériaux pulvérulents”. PhD. Thesis 25th June 2012
Pierre-Louis Regazzoni “Confrontation et analyse d’érodimètres et caractérisation de la sensibilité à l’érosion d’interface”. PhD. Thesis 17th December 2009
Dinh Minh Tran “Suffusion susceptibility characterization by taking into consideration the context of engineering practice”. PhD. Thesis, 8th December 2020